Dr. Glendon C Summers, DC in New Milford or Lakewood, Pennsylvania evaluates and treats men, women and children of all ages seeking pain relief and better health. For intervention, prevention or maintenance, contact us today for the best in chiropractic care.

Health care at the chiropractic offices of Dr. Glendon Summers includes a comprehensive chiropractic exam and state-of-the-art safe, effective and non-invasive treatment to support the proper function of body nerves, muscles and joints for better health, energy and mobility.
Dr. Glendon Summers uses precise and comfortable techniques to make corrective spinal or extremity adjustments as needed. If you experience headaches, back or body pain, stress or fatigue or have suffered an auto-accident, sports injury or fall, you could benefit from chiropractic evaluation and treatment. Worker’s Compensation cases are also accepted and managed.
On your first office visit you will be asked to complete a medical form. Dr. Glendon Summers will review your medical history and evaluate your current health status with particular focus on the physical problems interfering with your activities of daily living. Dr. Glendon Summers will discuss your chiropractic diagnosis with you and recommend a plan of care. Depending on Dr. Glendon Summers’ assessment of your health situation, specific treatment can begin immediately if you choose.
Has foot, knee or back pain kept you from exercise or activity? If spinal pelvic stability is not reached through chiropractic adjustment, Dr. Glendon Summers can evaluate your feet for balance and discuss the option of orthotic correction to help maintain proper body alignment and function.
Contact us in New Milford or Lakewood, Pennsylvania, to learn more about our chiropractic services.